Media & Events
Primary Source Collection
Colonial Revival
Home Ec
In the News
Index of American Design
Museum Extension Project
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Sears Century of Progress
West Virginia
Home Demonstration
Young migrant agricultural worker on bed outside his home in McIntosh County, Oklahoma
Young boy in bed with measles in the home of a FSA (Farm Security Administration) borrower. Greene County, Georgia
Yankee Puzzle
WPA workers making comforters in Catlettsburg, Kentucky
WPA Sewing Project, Talbot County, Baltimore
WPA Sewing Project, Denver
WPA Sewing Project, Baltimore
WPA Project Number 136 – Workers engaged in a sewing project at a training work center in Hagerstown
WPA Art Center in Roswell, New Mexico
World Without End
Woodville, California. FSA (Farm Security Administration) farm workers’ community. Carding surplus cotton which will be used for quilts
Woodville, California. FSA (Farm Security Administration) farm workers’ community. Carding surplus cotton which will be used for quilts
Woodville, California. FSA (Farm Security Administration) farm workers’ community. Carding surplus cotton which will be used for quilts
Woodville, California. FSA (Farm Security Administration) farm workers’ community. Agricultural worker quilting in the sewing room
Woodville, California. FSA (Farm Security Administration) farm workers’ community. Agricultural worker quilting in the sewing room
Women looking at quilting and crocheting exhibit at Gonzales County Fair. Gonzales, Texas
Women employed by SERA sew a quilt, Los Angeles
Woman who has not yet found a place to move out of the Hinesville Army camp area working on a quilt in her smokehouse. Near Hinesville, Georgia
Woman who has not yet found a place to move out of the Hinesville Army camp area working on a quilt in her smokehouse. Near Hinesville, Georgia
Wife of tenant farmer pulling out trundle bed in her one-room shack home near Sallisaw, Okahoma
Wife of sharecropper, with baby in her lap, at sewing machine. Family will work under tenant purchase program. Near Caruthersville, Missouri
Wife of sharecropper putting baby to sleep near Pace, Mississippi. Background photo, Sunflower Plantation
Wife of FSA (Farm Security Administration) rehabilitation borrower sewing a quilt. Grant County, Illinois
White migrant worker lying on bed in tent home near Mercedes, Texas.
Variable Star
Typical old tenant’s house with bedding being aired and sunned. Coffee County, Alabama
Typical old tenant’s house with bedding being aired and sunned. Coffee County, Alabama
Typical farmhouse, spring housecleaning, homemade quilts and bedding in sun. Coffee County, Alabama
Typical farmhouse, spring housecleaning, homemade quilts and bedding in sun. Coffee County, Alabama
Turlock, California. Housewife (left) with some of the quilts the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) has made for the Red Cross. She is president of PTA
Turlock, California. Housewife (left) with some of the quilts the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) has made for the Red Cross. She is president of PTA
Turkey Track Quilt, c. 1941
Tiger Lily
There are difficulties, but encouragement
Thelma Shamburg and Mrs. Spragg (or Sprague), NYA (National Youth Administration) state supervisor, helping Catherine Plumer and Sallie Titus at sewing machines in school economics room. Gee’s Bend, Alabama
The Tulip
The Peony
The Ingraham family who share a shack with another family near Alvin, Wisconsin. Mrs. Ingraham is sick in bed
The Family — Industry and Agriculture
The Cockscomb
Texas Map in Vivid Color is Center Feature of Centennial Quilt Gift to John M. Hendrix, Official of W.P.A.
Stuffed Quilt
Stitching a Quilt, 10th Ave. & 36th St.
Star of Bethlehem Quilt
Star and Crescent
Southeast Missouri Farms. Sharecropper’s child asleep on bed
Southeast Missouri Farms. Customers examining yard goods in cooperative store. La Forge project, Missouri
Southeast Missouri Farms. Child of sharecropper reading on bed in living room
Silk Quilt (Log Cabin)
Sick child in bed in trailer home. Sebastian, Texas
Sewing a quilt. Gees Bend, Alabama
Sewing a Quilt, 10th Ave. & 36th St.
Scene in quarters of Negro berry pickers near Independence, Louisiana
Rural arts exhibition held under the auspices of the Farm Security Administration (FSA) in the patio of the U.S. Department of Agriculture building. Wooden religious figures made by Indian in New Mexico; oldest dated quilt made in West Virginia, then a part of Virginia in 1795
Rooster Quilt
Rocky Glen
Rocky Glen
Revival of Old-Fashioned Thrift
Resettlement Administration; Rural Rehabilitation; “Quilting project”; Rock Crest School, Chambersburg TWP., Iredell Co., N.C.
Quilts of family on relief near Jefferson, Texas
Quilting, 36th Street & 10th Avenue
Quilting, 10th Ave & 36th St.
Quilting in sharecropper’s home near Pace, Mississippi. Background photo for Sunflower Plantation
Quilted Bedspread
Quilted Bedspread
Quilted Applique Coverlet
Quilt, 10th Ave. & 36th
Quilt making at the sewing project, St. Paul
Quilt made by Mrs. Bill Stagg. Pie Town, New Mexico
Quilt hung across doorway which separates living quarters of two families of white migrants. Berry pickers near Hammond Louisiana
Quilt Coverlet
Quilt Block
Quilt Applique on Linen Back
Quilt (Star of Bethlehem)
Quilt (corner)
Quilt (Cherry Tree)
Quilt (Applique)
Pupils in home economics class. Lakeview Project school. Arkansas
Prosperity is Just Around the Corner
Prize quilt given Mrs. Roosevelt
Pride of the North
Pink Dogwood
Pin Wheel
Pieced Quilt – “Star Pattern”
Patchwork Quilt, c. 1938
Patchwork Quilt (Crazy, sections)
Patchwork Quilt
Patchwork Quilt
Patchwork Quilt
Patchwork Bedspread
Part of RR (Rural Rehabilitation) family, now dropped, children have hookworm, mother pellagra and milk leg, according to nurse’s report. Father works on WPA (Work Projects Administration). Coffee County, Alabama
Part of one family living in miner’s boarding house. One woman and six children live in one room. Two beds, no water, no heat. Mohegan, West Virginia
One of William Howell’s sons in their home near Tipler, Wisconsin
Old Negress, wife of agricultural day laborer, in bed with rheumatism. Wagoner County, Oklahoma
Old ex-slave on a farm near Greensboro, Alabama [2]
Old ex-slave on a farm near Greensboro, Alabama
Old company house on wash day. Swepsonville, North Carolina
Oil field worker in his trailer home reading a letter. Seminole, Oklahoma
NYA (National Youth Administration) girls making bedspreads under supervision of Juanita Coleman, NYA leader, in school home economics room. Gee’s Bend, Alabama
Negroes at Gees Bend, Alabama. Descendants of slaves of the Pettway plantation. They are still living very primitively on the plantation
Negro woman, strawberry picker, arranging her living quarters near Hammond, Louisiana
Negro mother and baby in bed in the house furnished them while working in the strawberry fields near Independence, Louisiana
Negro farm family near Greensboro, Alabama
Negro couple, intrastate migratory workers, sleeping on the floor. Near Independence, Louisiana
Nap time in the nursery school at the FSA (Farm Security Administration) farm workers community, Woodville, California
Nap time in the nursery school at the FSA (Farm Security Administration) farm workers community, Woodville, California
Nap time in the nursery school at the FSA (Farm Security Administration) farm workers community, Woodville, California
Nap time in the nursery school at the FSA (Farm Security Administration) farm workers community, Woodville, California
Nap time in the nursery school at the FSA (Farm Security Administration) farm workers community, Woodville, California
Nap time in the nursery school at the FSA (Farm Security Administration) farm workers community, Woodville, California
Mulatto ex-slave in her house near Greensboro, Alabama [2]
Mulatto ex-slave in her house near Greensboro, Alabama
Mrs. Verden Lee sewing on her new sewing machine in her home. Transylvania Project, Louisiana
Mrs. Shotbang with her four children she delivered herself. Husband broke his foot early this spring. About time baby was to be born they ran short of coal and bed clothing, Mrs. Shotbang had to take care of the newly-born baby and the rest of the family, cutting fence posts for fuel. The family almost froze; no mattresses on the beds this past winter, only quilts over the hard springs
Mrs. Lizzie Chambers and Mrs. Mary Collier piecing quilts while Mrs. Octa Self, forelady of the quilting project directs the pattern they are to follow.
Mrs. L.L. LeCompt stitching quilt squares together. She does all her family sewing. Coffee County, Alabama
Mrs. Cleveland’s Choice
Mrs. Clarence N. Pace’s mother-in-law quilting in their home. Transylvania Project, Louisiana
Mrs. Clarence N. Pace with her children and her mother-in-law quilting in their home. Transylvania Project, Louisiana
Mrs. Bill Stagg with state quilt which she made, Pie Town, New Mexico
Mrs. Bill Stagg with state quilt that she made, Pie Town, New Mexico. A community settled by about 200 migrant Texas and Oklahoma farmers who filed homestead claims … Mrs. Stagg helps her husband in the field with plowing planting, weeding corn and harvesting beans. She quilts while she rests during the noon hour.
Mrs. Bill Stagg exhibiting a quilt made from tobacco sacks which she ripped up, dyed, and pierced. Nothing is wasted on these homesteading farms. Pie Town, New Mexico
Mr. & Mrs. Peacock, RR (Rural Rehabilitation) family (four years) and children in front of their home. Coffee County, Alabama
Mother of tenant purchase client piecing a quilt. Maricopa County, Arizona
Migrant worker on bed in tent home.
Migrant packinghouse worker’s home, showing only bed for six people rolled up in the corner. They are from Tennessee. Parents must leave the children alone when both work. Belle Glade, Florida
Mexican woman resting on bed in her home. San Antonio, Texas
Mexican boy sick in bed. San Antonio, Texas
Menlo Park Methodist Church Quilt
Members of the women’s club making a quilt. Granger Homesteads, Iowa
Members of the women’s club making a quilt. Granger Homesteads, Iowa
Meeker County, Minnesota. Elaine McCormick, one of the McRaith grandchildren, making the beds in the morning before the school bus comes
Making a quilt in Scranton, Iowa, home. The ladies will give the quilt to a needy family
Making a quilt from surplus commodity cotton in Greensboro, Greene County, Georgia [4]
Making a quilt from surplus commodity cotton in Greensboro, Greene County, Georgia [3]
Making a quilt from surplus commodity cotton in Greensboro, Greene County, Georgia [2]
Making a quilt from surplus commodity cotton in Greensboro, Greene County, Georgia
Lucindy Lawrence Jurdon, Age 79
Lotus Flower
Lotus Flower
Little boy sick in bed. His father has been employed in construction work at the naval air base but was hurt and is now working in a parking lot. Corpus Christi, Texas
Lititz, Pennsylvania. The oldest member of the Moravian sewing circle is in her nineties. Members of the circle quilt for anyone who wants it at the cost of one cent a yard of thread, and the money goes to the church
Lititz, Pennsylvania. The Moravian sewing circle quilts for anyone at one cent a yard of thread and donates the money to the church
Jorena Pettway making flower decorations for her home. She has made practically all her own furniture and her own bedspreads and chair covers from flour sacks, etc. Gee’s Bend, Alabama
Jorena Pettway and her daughter making chair cover out of bleached flour sacks and flower decorations from paper. She also made the chairs and practically all the furniture in the house. Gees Bend, Alabama
Interior of tent of white migrant family near Edinburg, Texas. Bed is on the floor. Tent was made of patched cotton materials of various sorts. The man said he had worked in a cotton mill in Dallas, Texas, and had obtained the materials then
Interior of tent home of white migrant family near Harlingen, Texas. Bed on floor used by two boys
Interior of shack described in other pictures. Mr. W.R. Carpenter of Beaumont, Texas also a truck driver, seated on bed. Men very willing to have photo made, saying they should cooperate in this undertaking as they were all free Americans and hoped for better conditions. Alexandria, Louisiana
Interior of Negro tenant’s home showing mosquito netting over bed. Mileston Plantation, Mississippi Delta, Mississippi
Interior of Negro tenant’s home showing mosquito netting over bed. Mileston Plantation, Mississippi
Inhabitants of Gees Bend, Alabama
Indian Trail
Indian Hatchet
Housewives in Tygart Valley, West Virginia, have weekly group meetings in home economics. Here they are quilting
Horses and wagon of Negro standing in the churchyard. Notice the ladder and quilts. McIntosh County, Oklahoma
Home of Peacock family, RR (Rural Rehabilitation), four 4 years. Coffee County, Alabama
Home economics class. Greenbelt, Maryland
Home economics and home management class for adults, under supervision of Miss Evelyn M. Driver (standing in white uniform). Everything they make including the small handmade looms, utilizes materials of local origin as cornshucks, cane, flour and meal and feed sacks, etc. Flint River Farms, Georgia
Harry Kaplan (right) showing blanket which he has made from waste scraps of cloth. Jersey Homesteads, Hightstown, New Jersey
Harlingen, Texas. FSA (Farm Security Administration) camp. Sewing room
Hands, 10th Ave. & 36th St.
Handmade quilt, Virginia craft co-op on U.S. Highway No. 1, twenty miles north of Fredericksburg, Virginia
Handmade Quilt
Hand work at Gonzales County Fair, Gonzales Texas. Notice the Bible quilt. This pattern is very popular in all rural sections and is to be seen at every country fair
Greensboro, Greene County, Georgia. Making a quilt from surplus commodity cotton
Grandmother’s Pride
Grandmother from Oklahoma with grandson, working on quilt. California, Kern County
Grandmother from Oklahoma and her pieced quilt. California, Kern County
Girl Sewing
Garden Wreath
Full Blown Tulip
Friendship quilt. Pie Town, New Mexico
Friendship Fan
Fox and Geese
First Sewing Shop of WPA Opens Here
Finishing the Quilt
Figure in a square dance. Pie Town, New Mexico. Notice the quilting frame overhead
Federal Art Project artist in Dayton
Farmer and child waiting in warehouse for their tobacco to be auctioned off (it is covered with old quilts and burlap to keep it “in order” until last minute before sale). Durham, North Carolina
Farmer and child waiting in warehouse for their tobacco to be auctioned off (it is covered with old quilts and burlap to keep it “in order” until last minute before sale). Durham, North Carolina
Farm worker and his wife in their cottage at the FSA (Farm Security Administration) labor camp. Caldwell, Idaho. Notice the quilt on frame near the ceiling
Farm women, members of the “Helping Hand” club, carefully roll up the quilt upon which they are working. Near West Carlton, Yamhill County, Oregon.
Farm women working on quilt. Near West Carlton, Yamhill County, Oregon [2]
Farm women of the “Helping Hand” club display a pieced quilt which they are making for the benefit of one of their numbers. Near West Carlton, Yamhill County, Oregon.
Farm wives at bimonthly meeting of the Helping Hand society. Gage County, Nebraska
Farm Security Administration (FSA) camp. Farmersville, California. Resident nurse interviews mother and examines sick baby
Farm Security Administration (FSA) camp. Farmersville, California. Resident nurse interviews mother and examines sick baby
Family Quilting
Evening Star
Eleven Mile Corner, Arizona. FSA (Farm Security Administration) migratory workers community. Home economics class
Dutchman’s Puzzle
Ducks and Ducklings
Donald Richberg with NRA flag
Dolly Madison Star
Democrat or Whig Rose
Daughter of migratory berry picker taking a nap on her bed on the floor. Near Ponchatoula, Louisiana
Daughter of migrant auto wrecker doing her lessons on bed in tent home. Corpus Christi, Texas
Daughter of A.O. Ryland. Family used quilts as mattresses. Near Williston, North Dakota
Dancers at the square dance. Pie Town, New Mexico
Cutting Fabric, 10th Ave. & 36th St.
Crazy Quilt – Patchwork
Crazy Quilt
Crazy Quilt
Crazy Patchwork
Cotton Quilt
Chimney Sweep
Children of white migratory berry pickers near Ponchatoula, Louisiana
Children of Negro family who do odd jobs on strawberry farm near Hammond, Louisiana
Children of Jack Cutter in bed in their trailer at FSA (Farm Security Administration) camp. Erie, Pennsylvania
Child sitting on bed in tent home near Sallisaw, Oklahoma. Sequoyah County
Child of white migrant strawberry picker on bed in tent near Hammond, Louisiana
Child of Mr. Browning, FSA (Farm Security Administration) rehabilitation borrower. Dead Ox Flat, Malheur County, Oregon
Chicken feed, flour and other bulky products are now bagged in printed cotton materials for use as dress materials. Mercedes, Texas
Camps of migrant pea workers. California [2]
Camps of migrant pea workers. California
Buying dress goods in project cooperative store. Transylvania Project, Louisiana
Butterfly applique quilt made by Mrs. Bill Stagg, homesteader from Texas and Oklahoma. Pie Town, New Mexico
Butler County Emergency School Sewing Project
Boy resting on bed in attic of sharecropper shack. New Madrid County, Missouri
Box Elder County, Utah. Mormon women tacking a quilt to be used by a sheepherder
Box Elder County, Utah. Mormon women tacking a quilt to be used by a sheepherder
Bedspread (Detail of Center)
Bedroom of tenant farmer living near Warner, Oklahoma. Notice American flag quilt
Bed in William Howell’s home near Tipler, Wisconsin. He is a cut-over farmer with a family on relief
Bed in Mexican home. In practically all Mexican homes the beds consist of old blankets and quilts that are spread upon the bare floors. Crystal City, Texas
Bed in Buckboard Charlie’s cabin near Iron River, Michigan
Bear’s Paw
Basket of Tulips
Barn Raising
At Work in WPA Sewing Room
At the square dance. Pie Town, New Mexico
At Last the Crazy Quilt is Finished
At a meeting of the Clark Hill Club, conducted by Miss Velma Patterson, vocational field worker from Elba, at the home of FSA (Farm Security Administration) project family, J.A. Veasy. The women discuss materials for clothing and curtains. Coffee County, Alabama
Appliquéd Bedspread
Applique Quilt
Applique Quilt
Applique Coverlet
Applique Bedspread, “Black Family Album”
Adding Batting to the Quilt, 10th Ave.
A young woman on a NYA sewing project in Minnesota
A woman making a quilt in a WPA sewing room project in New Albany, Indiana
A quilting party in an Alvin, Wisconsin, home
A Quilting Party
A Patchwork Quilt of Favorite Tales
A display of sewing and needle work made by NYA (National Youth Administration) girls in school home economics room. Gee’s Bend, Alabama
Doll’s Cradle and Quilt,
c. 1953
[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Harry Kaplan (right) showing blanket which he has made from waste scraps of cloth. Jersey Homesteads, Hightstown, New Jersey]
[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Greensboro, Greene County, Georgia. Making a quilt from surplus commodity cotton] [2]
[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Greensboro, Greene County, Georgia. Making a quilt from surplus commodity cotton]
[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Box Elder County, Utah. Mormon women tacking a quilt to be used by a sheepherder]
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